ZBT recognized for hate prevention efforts
Issue: Fall 2021

Zeta Beta Tau continues to be a leading educational organization responding to the rising tide of antisemitism and hate crimes on college campuses. The Fraternity was honored for this work recently and continues to expand upon its partnership with fellow Jewish inclusive Greek organizations.
Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity, Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity, Alpha Epsilon Phi Sorority and Sigma Delta Tau Sorority have worked in tandem since 2015 to provide hate prevention programming specific to the fraternity/sorority movement with a goal of working toward stopping hatred, bigotry and discrimination on college campuses. The Summit Against Hate has hosted several successful iterations. It was re-calibrated in 2020 to reach fraternity/sorority headquarters professionals to support students and campuses in responding to and preventing issues. Leaders created an engaging virtual experience that allowed for personal and professional growth between all partners working to end all forms of hate on campus.
“In light of the current campus climate and the world today, we believe this program is more important and relevant than ever,” Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity Chief Executive Officer Libby Anderson said.
The most recent experience was so powerful that it was named a 2021 recipient of the North American Interfraternity Conference’s Laurel Wreath Award, presented to individuals or groups in recognition of their unique programs, community outreach or influence within the fraternal world. This is the sixth Laurel Wreath Award earned by ZBT since 2014.
“The program truly helped me understand how we could intervene and affect change in our sphere of influence. It made me feel challenged and uncomfortable in a way that inspired me to act,” one attendee said in an evaluation after the program.
The 2021 Summit Against Hate is on the calendar, starting October 20. Topics will include the history of antisemitism, the intersection of hate ideologies and how to take action. If you are a campus-based professional with interest in the program, contact us.
The Summit Against Hate is supported by the Zeta Beta Tau Foundation and the Sigma Alpha Mu Foundation. Learn how you can support hate prevention efforts through the Zeta Beta Tau Foundation at zbtfoundation.org.