The new year in Zeta Beta Tau
Issue: Fall 2021

It’s a new year in many ways for Zeta Beta Tau.
We hope everyone who celebrates had a sweet Rosh Hashanah celebration and a meaningful fast on Yom Kippur in the past few weeks.
While COVID-19 continues to be an issue globally, brothers and chapters are finding various degrees of normalcy in their lives. On campuses across the U.S., chapters are back to hosting in person events and philanthropies, returning to their houses and welcoming new brothers to our great Fraternity.
It’s a great time to be a ZBT!
Growing our Brotherhood
With most institutions resuming on-campus classes and activities, Zeta Beta Tau brothers are bringing excited energy to recruitment, greeting many potential new brothers and growing the Brotherhood. So far in the fall term, some highlights from recruitment include 67 new brothers at the Lambda Chapter at the University of Texas, 49 new brothers at Beta Gamma Chapter at Indiana University and 45 brothers initiated at Alpha Omicron at the University of Arizona. Many chapters are excited to share why it’s great to be a ZBT with new brothers.
Zeta Beta Tau is thrilled to be returning to three historic campuses with new prospective chapters this year. Staff has been meeting with dozens of students so far this month at the University of Kentucky, and initiation of brothers representing the new Alpha Iota Prospective Chapter will take place in the coming weeks. Join us in welcoming our new brothers!
The next expansion of Zeta Beta Tau is at Michigan State University, coming up in October. New brothers of Beta Epsilon will be initiated in the middle of the fall semester.
Finally, the third expansion of the year already is on the receiving end of much energy from alumni, as we re-form the historic Alpha Omega Chapter at the University of Miami starting in January.
If you know any students who go to any of these universities or who will be matriculating in the next year or two, please provide their information so that we can reach out about ZBT.
If you are interested in helping with the restart process or the chapter in the future, please email us. Alumni engagement is essential to a chapter’s success. It’s great to be a ZBT!
Integrity and Brotherly Love
As we work with students returning to campuses this fall, the health and welfare of brothers is our No. 1 priority. As you know, students have faced restrictions and limitations on social activities since the emergence of COVID-19 in early 2020. As pandemic restrictions are lifted or evolving in many areas, experts predict there will be heightened desire for students to socialize with their friends and fellow ZBT brothers.
Zeta Beta Tau is taking a proactive approach. We have offered a variety of types of education and facilitation on accountability and caring for our brothers and guests. Studies have shown that parents and alumni mentors have considerable positive influence on their children during and well past college. Please use your influence this month to talk openly about these issues and continue to do so each time you talk with any undergraduates you know throughout the school year. Encourage students to make good choices and engage in responsible behavior when away from home. It’s our solemn duty as ZBTs to be our brothers’ keeper.
Finding a new home in ZBT
Zeta Beta Tau is excited to share about our two new fraternity houses, at the University of Southern California and the University of Florida. On both campuses, having quality housing is a key component to successful fraternity life. The Alpha Zeta Chapter brothers have moved into their new home as of August, and renovations are under way for the Alpha Delta Chapter with a move-in expected in 2022.
Learn more about ZBT National Housing progress here.
New players on the team
Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity staffs a framework of brothers and supporters who work on behalf of the Fraternity to help build a better ZBT. Several of these staffers travel consistently to represent the Fraternity – you might see them on a campus near you!
Chapter Services Coordinator Eric C. Dammeyer, Epsilon Nu (SUNY-Oneonta) 2021
Brother Dammeyer is a New Yorker born and raised, currently residing in Westchester County, N.Y. He graduated from SUNY Oneonta in 2021, where he had dual majors in geography and environmental sustainability.
At the Epsilon Nu Chapter, he served as both Community Service Chairman and Operations Director before being elected to sit as Director of New Member Education on his college’s Inter-Greek Council.
It’s likely you’ll catch Eric at the gym or in the kitchen during his free time. In fact, some people claim that he makes the best omelet east of the Mississippi. Brother Dammeyer also loves to hit the slopes each winter to shred some powder. Unfortunately, due to being extremely uncoordinated, he is not nearly as good of a skier as he claims to be.
Growth Coordinator John P. ‘Jack’ Devanna, Rho Iota (University of Rhode Island) 2021
Brother Devanna is from Hillsdale, New Jersey, and graduated from the University of Rhode Island in May 2021 with a double major in marketing and Italian. During his time at Rho Iota, he spent two years as the Director of Recruitment for the chapter and one year as Director of Recruitment for the Interfraternity Council.
Professionally, Brother Devanna is hoping to establish himself in the field of marketing, but he is open to any and all opportunities that will bring new experiences. In his free time, he enjoys working out, reading, writing, and spending time with friends.