Zeta Beta Tau Foundation
Record scholarship amount awarded
Issue: Fall 2023

Thanks to the support of our generous donors, the Zeta Beta Tau Foundation awards academic scholarships to brothers of ZBT every year. In total, we have awarded almost $2 million in scholarships since our founding.
We are proud to announce in 2023 more than $180,000 was awarded to more than 35 undergraduates for the upcoming academic year, which is $20,000 more than the previous academic year and $75,000 more than two years ago.

Over 400 applicants apply for need and/or merit-based scholarships annually. The average scholarship is $5,000.
2023 marks the highest scholarship ever awarded by the Zeta Beta Tau Foundation, Corey D. Pevitz, Delta Lambda (Monmouth College), 2024, received a $17,500 scholarship. Corey is from the Greater Chicago metropolitan area and is studying education.
We were able to catch the brothers’ reactions on camera as they were informed they received Zeta Beta Tau Foundation scholarships. Please take a moment to watch!
If you would like to give to the scholarship program, please visit the Zeta Beta Tau Foundation’s website!