Alumni & Chapter News

Alumni News

By State

By Canadian Province


Psi (University of Alabama)

Jacob A. Dubin, 2000, was promoted to the rank of Captain and installed as the Executive Officer of the 129th Medical Company (U.S. Army NG-AL).  Brother Dubin supervises the Bryce Hospital legal office for the Alabama Department of Mental Health and now lives in Tuscaloosa with his family.


Alpha Delta (University of Southern California)

Jack Martino, 2024, graduated summa cum laude from USC School of Cinematic Arts with a bachelor’s degree in writing for screen and television and a minor in entertainment industry. Graduation also concluded his year as the 2023-2024 Jack Oakie Fellow in the USC Comedy Program. Over summer, Brother Martino served as an intern during the Festival de Cannes for United Talent Agency Independent Film Department. As an undergraduate, he managed merchandise for Alpha Delta.

Alpha Rho (UCLA)

David Strich, 2004, earned a Ph.D in curriculum studies from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, in May. Dr. Strich explored students’ experiences with place at their school located in the Skagit Valley, Washington. Students shared stories of meaningful places during walking and stationary interviews. Findings reveal place as a multi-dimensional inquiry, layered perspectives and understandings, and highly contextual to each person and place.

Ed Lux, 1951, stands at the recently completed and fully renovated Alpha Rho Chapter house. A luncheon was held in May at the fraternity house to honor the donors for the Campaign for Alpha Rho. Ed has also established The Lux Family Scholarship to assist seniors entering graduate schools. As a thank you for his support of everything Brotherhood, Brother Lux was given a Presidential Citation from the Fraternity at the luncheon.

Ed spearheads a ZBT triple legacy, with son Ted, Alpha Rho 1980, and grandson Matthew, Alpha Kappa (University of Wisconsin) 2017. Brot



Beta Alpha Theta (University of Colorado-Boulder)

David J. Kon, 2005, founded his own startup after years working in data, technology, analytics for asset management firms. WealthFluent strives to empower everyone to confidently take control of their financial future and stay on track to retire the way they want. Learn more at

Iota (University of Denver)

Edward (Ned) Porges Ed.D, 1962, shared a history piece from another brother.

Brother Porges says: “Brother Jack Golbert, Iota 1962, and I grew up during WWII and had many similar experiences and memories.  My birth date was a few months before December 7, 1941, the bombing of Pearl Harbor in Hawaii and the beginning of World War II. Jack’s birth date was a few months earlier in late 1940.

“Jack and I were among the first to move into the new Denver Iota Chapter house in 1959. He was admired, smart, active in chapter activities. He and his family lived in Aurora, Colorado. After graduation in 1962, Jack got a law degree from New York University, practiced law in New York and Los Angeles before moving permanently to Jerusalem, Israel. Jack Golbert and I stayed in touch over the years.

“We visited with Jack and his family on our visit to Israel in 2018. Sadly, Jack died peacefully at home in Jerusalem, April 2020, age 80, of heart disease.”

December 7 is Your Day, Pearl.

By Jack Golbert, J.D., 1962

I remember Pearl Harbor. Not the bombing of Pearl Harbor. I was not yet two years old when that happened. I mean the woman, Pearl Harbor.

My friends and I used to play war, of course. It was a main happening thing, constantly on the radio and in the conversations of adults. My father used to take us all to the movies frequently (I think it was every week.) so that he could see the newsreels of the war. We went for the cartoons. My mother got to pick the main feature. He went for the news images. Our games of war were fairly detailed, given that we were small children. I was the youngest in the neighborhood. I was only 5 when the war ended. The other children I played with were 3 or 4 years older. I have recollections of the Second World War as filtered through the mind of a small child.

Pearl Harbor, the place, was the Supreme Headquarters of the Pacific Theater and news releases came from there, just like from the White House. So, I constantly heard on the news, statements like “Pearl Harbor announced today ….” or We are awaiting word from Pearl Harbor” and it sounded like they were talking about a person. Imagine something like, “The honorees at this year’s banquet will be Sidney Harbor and his lovely wife, Pearl.” That’s the sort of image I had in my mind.

My friends and I all had the clear impression that Pearl Harbor was a sort of super-quartermaster corps who supplied war materiel to the allied armies. I can clearly remember us saying “We’re out of tanks. Better call Pearl Harbor to send more.” She had a very responsible job to fulfill and she did it with admirable ability and efficiency. She never failed to supply us with tanks, planes, ships or ammunition on time. More than a super-supply corps, she was the National Mother, always there for us, always reliable and uncomplaining.

I do not remember when I found out that Pearl Harbor was a place and not a person. I recall no surprise, no amusement. I suppose that so many years went by without occasion to think of Pearl Harbor that when I learned about the bombing and the war, it simply didn’t click. It was many years later, in my 40s, that the two discrete compartments connected and I remembered my childhood impressions.

December 7 is your day, Pearl. I will always remember you.


Epsilon Theta (University of Delaware)

Scott E. Silberfein, Esq., 1994, has started a new role, Partner at The Sultzer Law Group, P.C., in New York City.

District of Columbia

Phi Alpha Alpha (The George Washington University)

Alex P. Goldstick, 2010, and Matthew Seidmon, Beta Gamma (Indiana University) 2015, are cousin-in-laws who are both coincidentally ZBTs. This summer, along with Matt’s childhood best-friend, Mike, Brothers Goldstick and Seidman re-launched a brand that Matt had originally founded in 2018 called, Wear Your Dish.

Wear Your Dish is a brand that emblazons all of our favorite foods (and drinks) across premium tees, sweatshirts and hats in simple collegiate inspired designs. Brother Goldstick shares from the brand: “We are deliciously soft, hilariously awesome, and as satisfying as the dish emblazoned across every piece. We mean business, but we never take ourselves too seriously; we’re not saving the world, but we do stand for good. We’re hungry, ready to eat, and plan to look great doing it.”

Find them at or on Instagram and TikTok at @wearyourdish.

Sean I. Lynch, 2014, is among the cohort of Harvard Business School 75 Executive Fellows for the 2024-2025 academic year. The Executive Fellows program leverages the expertise of outstanding practitioners to enhance teaching and learning at the School. Executive Fellows are sponsored by and partner with at least one HBS faculty member to bring their business experience into the HBS community. Brother Lynch is Senior Director, Strategy & US Growth, Eidra.

Doug Arbetter, 2014, recently started as Associate Director, Biostatistics at Moderna where he will be the statistics program lead for Global Health Vaccine clinical development programs that include vaccines against Zika virus, Nipah virus, monkey pox and HIV.




Alpha Omega (University of Miami)

Thomas W. Leflein, 1973, just retired last year and moved to Florida. He visited ZBT at Miami earlier this fall to check out the house where he said he spent the best years of his life and was asked by one of the Chapter officers a week later to be interviewed as the first alumni brother in their monthly email update that goes out to many ZBT brothers. Brother Leflein says: “I still wear my ZBT ring every day. It’s amazing how many ZBT brothers I met in the business world that noticed it and were also ZBT brothers. My son followed my footsteps and was ZBT at Syracuse. Today my closest friends in life are 10 of my ZBT brothers with whom I spent my college days with. It’s great to be a ZEEB.”

Alpha Zeta (University of Florida)

Laurence A. Bolotin, M.Ed., CAE, 2001, wrote an opinion piece for the Chicago Sun-Times regarding Jewish student safety at the start of the fall semester. Read the commentary here.

In 2024, Travis Salat, 2020, became the acting director of Price 4 Limo. The company has grown into the nation’s third highest rated group transportation/charter bus company according to TrustPilot completing more than 5,000 trips per year with over 3,000 five star reviews to date. This past year Price 4 Limo has provided transportation for the White House, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Sprint, T-Mobile, multiple state government agencies, DuPont, General Motors, Pepsi, Coca-Cola and many more — even including providing 30-plus charter buses for the 2024 campaign rallies.

Zeta Alpha (Florida State University)

The undergraduates from the Chapter would like to share the most recent alumni newsletter. Click here to read.


ZBT Atlanta Area Alumni Association

The Zeta Beta Tau Atlanta Area Alumni Association resumed programming today with another Brotherhood For A Lifetime Lunch Gathering at Taco Mac in The Prado. Twenty brothers, spanning the generations, from class years 1962 to 1995, and representing thirteen different alma maters, from Wisconsin to USF to Penn State, renewed friendships, made new friends, and generally shared in the ZBT Brotherhood.

Alphabetically, the ZBTs were:

Henry Bauer, Alpha Gamma (Vanderbilt) 1964; David Berger, Alpha Psi (Penn State) 1995; David Bockel, Psi (Alabama) 1965; Jeff Bogart, Gamma Eta (Bradley) 1969; David Borsuk, Alpha Kappa (Wisconsin) 1968; Fred Flax, Lambda (Case Western Reserve) 1967; Howard Fleisig, Xi (Georgia Tech) 1972; Jeffrey Goodman, Xi (Georgia Tech) 1971; Barry Greenhouse, Alpha (CCNY) 1966, Bob Grossman, Epsilon (Maryland) 1972; Mark Kaplan, Gamma Chi (USF) 1970; Howard Karchmer, Xi (Georgia Tech) 1969; Hank Klausman, Rho (Illinois) 1962; Fred Levin, Xi (Georgia Tech) 1972, Mike MacLellan, Xi (Georgia Tech) 1989; Mike Rosenbleeth, Xi (Georgia Tech) 1970, Jim Summers, Gamma Epsilon (Marshall) 1970; Pete Trager, Alpha Epsilon (Washington and Lee) 1964, Craig Varon, Xi (Georgia Tech) 1972; and Lane Wolbe, Alpha Gamma (Vanderbilt) 1966.

It’s great to be a ZBT!

 Eta Lambda (Emory University)

Jason M. Chodos, 2003, joined the Florida office of Mound Cotton a leading law firm representing insurance companies. An experienced litigator, Brother Chodos represents the interests of insurers in first-party property insurance coverage matters, including commercial and residential properties. He has extensive experience litigating and providing coverage advice concerning all aspects of property damage and time element losses, as well as bad faith claims under first-party property policies. Jason has been retained as national coverage counsel by insurers, managing general agents, and third-party administrators. Read more here.


Rho (University of Illinois)

Alan Jaffe, 1960, had an article in the University of Washington’s quarterly research on Alzheimer’s included in their fall-summer issue of Dimensions. It is also on the Internet “Alan Jaffe U W.” Brother Jaffe said it has been very well received by many friends.

Gamma (Northwestern University)

Adam Weiser, 1991, shared that 31 brothers from Gamma classes of 1988-1995 gathered in the magnificent Pacific Northwest at the University of Washington to watch Northwestern play the University of Washington in football. Although the outcome of the game was not what the boys from 576 Lincoln wanted, they had a fabulous weekend of friendship. Brother Weiser said: “Our brotherhood is like a strong city!  We had a surprise email message from our long time cook Nina, too, letting everyone know that she is doing well and remembers her time with all of us fondly. It’s great to be a Zeeb!”

Delta Lambda (Monmouth College)

Craig A. Dahlquist, 1978, was inducted into Bradley University’s Hall of Fame Class of 2024. He is the longest tenured member of the Bradley athletics staff. He served as cross country and track head coach from 1986-96. Read more on his service here.

Chris Pio, 1984, recently celebrated his 40th class reunion at Monmouth with several members of the 1984 pledge class of Delta Lambda Chapter. Homecoming weekend highlights included introducing good friend and one of the chapter founders, Andrew Kerr, 1973, for induction into the Order of Omega Fraternity/Sorority Hall of Fame at Monmouth, and marching in the inauguration ceremony for our new president with 10 other Zeta Beta Tau brothers representing various years.

Gamma Eta (Bradley University)

Jeffrey B. (Jeff) Bogart, 1969, has recently received the prestigious Distinguished Alumni Award from the Centurion Society at Bradley. For over 50 years Bogart demonstrated tremendous tenacity and aspirational resolve as a practicing attorney and distinguished leader in the field of law. Bogart committed himself to affecting positive change throughout all of his professional roles, which have included Assistant United States Attorney, Assistant District Attorney, Special Prosecutor, private law firm partner, founding law firm partner, adjunct professor and more.

Bradley’s Centurion Society includes individuals who have represented strong conviction within the justice sector and left their individual legacies in uniquely impactful ways. Read more from the university.


Beta Gamma (Indiana University Bloomington)

Charles H. Kates, 1961, has retired from practice as a maxillofacial surgeon and anesthesiologist after 50 years. In addition to private practice, he was an associate professor of anesthesia and surgery at University of Miami school of medicine.  He and his wife reside at Williams Island.


Sigma (Tulane University)

Douglas M. Jacobs, 1977, was inducted into the Tulane Athletic Hall of Fame in 2022 for being on the 1973 football team.


Eta Kappa (Towson University)

The undergraduates joined an alumni tailgate on Oct. 19 for the football game against Stony Brook.

Alpha Mu of Phi Sigma Delta (University of Massachusetts – Amherst)

Over the weekend of Sept. 6 to 8, the Alumni Association of Phi Sigma Delta of the University of Massachusetts held its annual reunion on campus. Brothers from the classes of 1961 through 1975 enjoyed a wonderful weekend touring campus and enjoying the camaraderie that has made the association strong for so many years.

Contact Stan Kittredge, 1972, at for information on the next reunion.


Omicron (Tufts University)

The Zeta Beta Tau Foundation hosted an Omicron Chapter alumni dinner in New York City in early November.





Omega (University of Missouri)

Jason K. Peiser, 2018, married Dina Hauptschein in the Los Angeles area on Sept. 29. They now reside in Phoenix.





Eta Delta (University of Nevada-Las Vegas)

Celebrating the result of nine months of planning, 70 brothers from Eta Delta took part in an alumni golf event in November in the Las Vegas suburbs. Sean D. Thornberry, 2014, a member of the PGA, led the plans for the 18-hole four-man scramble.


New York

ZBT New York Area Alumni Association

Association members had a fantastic time at DK Restaurant on August 22 for an alumni dinner!

The Zeta Beta Tau Foundation hosted a dinner in late October for New York brothers as well, with a great crowd.


Kappa (Cornell University)

Stephen E. Kesselman, 1978, returned to Cornell’s fraternity house for a moving ceremony in honor of his late son, Sam, Kappa 2022. The Cornell undergraduates dedicated the Chapter Room in memory of Sam, a former Chapter President, who passed away a year earlier as a result of vehicular homicide. The ceremony was attended by Sam’s brotherhood class and over 100 Kappa alumni and friends.

Epsilon Delta (Binghamton University)

About a dozen brothers from Epsilon Delta of the early 1990s graduating classes came together in Long Island to support Dr. Donald Murphy and the Hauppage football team with a mini-reunion in mid-August.

Beta Iota (Long Island University) 

Alan Ahron, Ph.D, 1970, has been appointed adjunct professor at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, teaching graduate courses in law and accounting.


Alpha Phi (Miami University)

Richard D. Shapiro, 1959, a partially retired ophthalmologist, started a free eye clinic in Bonita Springs Florida in 2008 with three other ophthalmologists plus the Bonita Springs Lions Club. The clinic serves those patients below the poverty line who have no insurance. The care, including surgery, is completely free. The clinic sees 3,000 patients a year and is one of the only free clinics in Florida. It is very rewarding and there is a large need. Brother Shapiro said, “Glad I am making a difference during my retirement years.”

Lambda (Case Western Reserve University)

Alan Olson, 1993, graduated May 31 from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary with a Doctor of Ministry, with a focus on Creative Writing and Public Theology. His final project was titled “American Eden.” It’s a play about cleaning out his late father’s house and wrestling with a difficult family history. The Rev. Dr. Olson serves as the Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Freehold, New Jersey.

Steven J. Rosenzweig, 1996, has been named president and CEO of the St. Louis Jewish Community Center. Rosenzweig, who most recently served as CFO of the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, has a connection with the J spanning nearly two decades, including six years on the board, where he contributed to the organization’s growth and community-building efforts. Read more on Brother Rosenzweig here. 


Nu (The Ohio State University)

Pepper Pike natives Brian Ginis, 1986, and Eric Moss, 1986, are co-founders of a popular consignment furniture, Seconds City in Parma Heights. The shop just celebrated its 25th anniversary and was featured in a Cleveland Jewish news article:  Seconds City consignment furniture store celebrates 25th anniversary.



Theta (University of Pennsylvania)

Matthew Klipper, 1980, is now working on a new series “High Potential,” airing on ABC and streaming on Hulu. He previously worked 14 seasons as key production accountant on “NCIS: Los Angeles” (all 323 episodes) for CBS.

Alpha Psi (Pennsylvania State University)

Louis N. Boccia, 2021, married his beautiful husband this year.

Jared D. Silverstein, 2000, is proud to have founded Puzzle Pieces Squared (P2), a 501©3  non-profit organization dedicated to supporting families affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Over the past 9 years, P2 has been able to assist more than 50 families and six school districts across New Jersey and Philadelphia providing critical financial resources for therapies and services that can make a world of difference in the lives of children and families living with ASD. Learn more at

However, this is only the beginning of what we hope to accomplish. Brother Silverstein asks brothers to help them make a difference:

  • Donate: Your contribution, no matter the size, helps us continue to provide these essential services.
  • Attend: Join us at our Annual Fundraising Gala in June held in Philadelphia, PA and at our Halloween Fun Walk in October in Southern New Jersey.
  • Volunteer: If you’re local to the Tri-State area, we’d love for you to get involved directly. Your time and expertise can help us expand our reach and impact even more lives
  • Spread the Word: Sharing our mission with your network can help us connect with others who might be in need or who want to support this cause.


Alpha Gamma (Vanderbilt University)

Louis Jay Miller, 1974, recently retired after 47 years of lawyering in Memphis. He is excited about the Vanderbilt football team: October 5, 2024: Vanderbilt 40, No. 1 Alabama 35! How ‘Bout Those Dores!




Lambda (University of Texas at Austin)

Craig A. Goldman, 1991, was sworn into the U.S. Congress on Jan. 3 to represent Texas’s 12th Congressional District.  The 56-year-old Fort Worth businessman-turned-lawmaker has served as a state legislator from southwest Tarrant County for the past 12 years. Pictured: Goldman (right) with mentor Phil Gramm (left) during his swearing in. Photo from Goldman social media.

Read more on Brother Goldman’s priorities as a legislator in this NPR North Texas article: Craig Goldman already knows his top priority in Washington.



Chi (University of Virginia)

Ronald N. Szpatura, 1970, is President & Founder at Landmarks Marketing. The firm helps individuals looking to start their own business and enable clients to more effectively generate tangible bottom line returns from advertising investments. He is based out of Pompano Beach, Florida.

Phi Epsilon (University of Virginia)

ZBT hosted an excellent alumni reunion to celebrate the return of the Prospective Chapter at UVA in 2024-2025. Alumni were able to meet several of the students who soon will join the new Phi Epsilon Chapter. This reception also celebrated the 2020-2024 tenure of International President Jonathan D. Frieden, who was a longtime Chapter Advisor at UVA before joining the Supreme Council.

Delta Xi (Virginia Tech)

The Fralin ZBT Fellowship to fund Virginia Tech graduate students’ needs is now fully funded.

Through April 30, about 20 brothers and friends of ZBT donated about $106,000 to the endowment which will create annual scholarship funding. The group reached the $100,000 benchmark in a little less than two years, in less than half the time originally planned.

West Virginia

Gamma Epsilon (Marshall University)

The Brethren of ZBT Gamma Epsilon came home to Marshall and reunited and the years long since passed melted away within minutes as memories were shared and stories told and retold. This reunion occurs every three years.

Pictured from left: the Gamma Epsilon brothers are David Calvert (1968), John Pauley (1970), Jack Kessick (1968), Riley Brothers (1969), Bob Gregg (1969), Joe George (1969), Alan Hart (1972), George Harbour (1972), Jim Wise (1973), Tom Wilson (1968), Jim Summers (1970), George Smailes (1971), Max Lemma (1975), Joe Gillette (1973), Dave Pardue (1968), Dave Anderson (1969), Dennis Caldwell (1969), Pete Broh (1970) and John Snider (1973). Attending but not pictured is brother Don Magann (1973).

We were joined by ZBT Delta Theta (Morris Harvey College) brothers Michael Goldman and Howie Crain. Gamma Epsilon was like a Big Brother to Delta Theta, nurturing the local fraternity to colonization and on to chartering.


Zeta Eta (University of Western Ontario)

Safe Supply Streaming Corp. is excited to welcome Brian J. Tanner, 1991, a distinguished Corporate Development Executive with over 25 years of extensive sales experience, to its Board of Directors. Brian is recognized for his adept ability to identify and capitalize on new business opportunities across various trade classes in both Canada and the USA. Read more on Brother Tanner’s appointment.