Alumni & Chapter News
Alumni & Chapter News
Issue: Spring 2017
By State
By Antecedent
By Canadian Province
Psi (University of Alabama)
Donald Friedlander, ’64, attended the Pledge Class of 1960 reunion on May 13, 2016, at Orange Beach, Alabama, alongside Richard Schwartz, Adrian Kornman, Lester Rosenbloom, Mark Greenberg, Melvin Slotnick, Joe Levin and Bubba Levine.
Beta Kappa (University of Arkansas)
Gerald Patton, ’05, finished commanding the 11 Security Support Squadron at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland and is going to command the 823 Base Defense Squadron at Moody Air Force Base in Georgia. His second child was born September 29, 2016 (Nora Grace Patton).
Alpha Epsilon (University of California, Berkeley)
Ronald “Bud” Figel, ’65, is now retired.
Alpha Rho (University of California, Los Angeles)
Eddie Lorin, ’87, will be launching Impact Housing REIT, the first Reg A Equity Crowdfunded Apartment REIT focused on delivering a “double bottom line” focused on helping solve the housing crisis in America by providing working class individuals and families clean, safe, affordable places to live, and providing investors with both a financial and social return. The investment opportunity is live on and is open to all investors.
Beta Lambda (San Diego State University)
Matthew Cecil, ’13, runs a start up called Industry that recently raised $2.3M in venture funding from Silicon Valley. Read more in Tech Crunch.
Kappa Nu (University of San Francisco)
North Carolina Lt. Gov. Dan Forrest honored Paul J. Norcross, ’86, of High Point with the Order of the Long Leaf Pine, the highest honor the state can give for those with a proven record of extraordinary service. Brother Norcross and his wife Kim founded Phoenix Academy Public Charter School in High Point to fill a void that existed in the local education landscape. Phoenix Academy started with five students in 1997, and has since grown to nearly twelve hundred students — providing Guilford County students with one of the best public education options they can receive in the state. Brother Norcross also serves on the Zeta Beta Tau Foundation Board of Directors. Read more on the honor.
Iota (University of Denver)
Donald Reisfeld, ’76, shares that for the past decade brothers from Iota Chapter have been bonding on the slopes in the Rocky Mountains. “In March 2017 we had our largest ski reunion ever in Aspen, 14 brothers from Iota and one from Sigma Chapter (Tulane University). We ate and drank like kings with fine wine, bourbon, tequila, salad, steak, wild salmon and halibut (cau
ght by Morrie Siegel and Ken Friednash from Boyz June 2016 fishing trip in Haida Gwaii, British Columbia) served with all the trimmings… thanks to chef Bob Peters, and his sous chefs: Jay Reano, Michael ‘Kappy’ Kaplan, Rich Nadler and Don Reisfeld. After dinner we relaxed in the Goody game room … told plenty of stories, had lots of laughs and always room for a few shots of Casa Dragones tequila which, made for a very special and most memorable evening.” Pictured: Skiing with the boys never gets old. Ajax Summit (top row, left to right): Roger Heuberger ’74, Richard (Goody) Goodman ’78, Don Zimelis ’74, Don Reisfeld ’76, Rich Nadler ’76, Morrie Siegel ’74, David Greenberg ’78, Jeff Meltzer ’74, Gregg Witt ’77, (bottom row) Eric Ward (ski instructor), Jay Reano ’76, Bill Castellano ’79, Bob Peters ’76, and Brooke (ski instructor). Not pictured but attended the trip: John Meltzer ’74, Michael (Kappy) Kaplan ’74, and Steve Blank ’75.
Iota Chapter alumni golfing in Palm Springs in February also pictured.
Alpha Alpha of Phi Sigma Delta (University of Connecticut)
Gerald Hoffman, ’54, retired dentist, living in Baltimore, Maryland. Married 59 years to a wonderful wife, Marcia Greenberg Hoffman, two terrific daughters, Ray Ellen and Wendy, and three amazing grandsons, Evan, Max and Chad.
Zeta Theta (Western Connecticut State University)
Kevin Awalt, ’02, was winner of the IDA Detailer of the Year Award for 2017. He is an owner operator for Arkham Shine, Connecticut’s premier auto detailing and paint correction studio. The International Detailing Association has developed a program to recognize individuals and companies that have made significant contributions to the detailing profession and live up to the ideals indicated in the IDA Code of Ethics, the release stated. Services offered by Arkham Shine include auto detailing, paint correction, Ceramic Pro coating installation, GTechniq coating installation, paint protection film, window tinting and headlight restoration, using only the highest quality car care products and auto detailing techniques to make their client’s vehicles shine brighter for longer, the release noted. “Rather than focusing on the number of projects that we undertake, we choose to concentrate on the quality of work that goes into each project in order to give our clients the best finished results,” Brother Awalt said. “Whether it be your everyday car, showcase car, motorcycle or work truck, we use only the most current paint correction technology and top-of-the-line car detailing products. We pair these with extremely talented professionals to create a masterpiece, leaving your vehicle with a better than showroom-new appearance.”
Zeta Alpha (Florida State University)
Brett Leone, ’11, has been nominated as a candidate for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) Man of the Year (MOY). The LLS MOY campaign is a 10-week-long fundraising campaign to raise money for LLS. He is running in honor of his cousin who lost his battle about 15 years ago. If you would like to support the campaign and help raise money to find a cure for blood cancer, please email Brother Leone at
Gamma Chi (University of South Florida)
Richard Abel, ’69, is reaching out to all Gamma Chi alumni. The chapter will be 50 years old in March 2019. He’d like to start planning now and is looking forward to creating a weekend on campus at the house. Volunteers needed. Contact Brother Abel at or 877-869-1945.
Alpha Omega (University of Miami)
Norman M. Waas, Esq., ’82, was elected Secretary of the Miami Chapter of the American Board of Trial Advocates.
The Alpha Omega Chapter hosted its second annual Science & Sports Day with Earlington Heights Elementary School on February 8. Activities included a science experiment to teach the young students about Isaac Newton and inertia, dodgeball in the gym, pizza lunch and a tour of the University of Miami’s beautiful campus. “The pinnacle of our amazing day was being able to give the elementary school students a chance to interact with the brothers of ZBT. The students were curious about living in the dorms, classes, career paths, and different ways to have fun at the University of Miami,” said Chapter President Noah Nusbaum, ’17. “We hope that by exposing youth to the wonders of college and promoting hard work in school, we can make a positive difference in our community. The brothers of ZBT Miami would like to thank Earlington Heights Elementary School for making such a great day possible! And a special thanks to ZBT’s Community Service Chairman Jared Silberlust for putting this wonderful event together!”
Xi (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Ben Stegall, ’54, recently celebrated his 55th wedding anniversary with wife, Doris, by sponsoring a St. Patrick’s Day square dance in their in Santa Monica home.
Xi of Phi Epsilon Pi (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Michael Weinstein, ’70, presently is a physician practicing internal medicine in Boston. When not working he is an avid plein air painter doing landscapes in oil. Been married for 28 years. Love the New England area but have mixed feelings for Atlanta.
Atlanta Area Alumni Association
The Zeta Beta Tau Atlanta Area Alumni Association held its Third Annual Community Service Project at the Atlanta Community Food Bank Product Rescue Center on Dec.15. Brothers truly lived the Credo (Social Responsibility) and Ritual (Service) in giving back to the our community. Thirty-one ZBTAAAA volunteers – four undergraduate brothers, 22 alumni brothers, two wives, one set of parents and Zeta Beta Tau Foundation Operations Manager Nancy Morgan – and smaller groups from CDC Foundation, Delta Air Lines and Lenoir-Rhyne Atlanta Alumni inspected, sorted and packed 23,841 pounds of rescued product for distribution to ACFB partner agencies; that volume translates to 15,512 meals for food-insecure people in the ACFB service area. Volunteers included (front row, from let): Phil Manson, Mu (UGA) ’79, Jim Summers, Gamma Epsilon (Marshall University) ’70, Jason Sain, Alpha Zeta (Florida) ’97, Scott Ratchick, Sigma (Tulane) ’83, Mike Wien, Alpha Eta (Colorado State) ’73, Faron Lewitt, Psi (Alabama) ’97, and Bob Miller, Alpha Iota (Kentucky) ’68, (middle row, from left) Wallace Arnold, Mu (UGA) ’18, Mike MacLellan, Xi (Georgia Tech) ’89, Howard Fleisig, Xi (Georgia Tech) ’72, Jon Goldman, Xi, (MIT) ’82, Nancy Morgan (Foundation Operations Director), Joy Flax, Rosanne Lutz, Harry Lutz, Xi (Georgia Tech) ’67, Barbara Lewitt (Faron’s mom), Jeff Goodman, Xi (Georgia Tech) ’71, and Joe Gillette, Gamma Epsilon (Marshall University) ’73, (back row, from left) Sean Sullivan (Emory) ’04, Bill Bruton, Mu (UGA) ’16, Adrian Obleton, Mu (UGA) ’17, Mark Kaplan, Gamma Chi (USF) ’70, Howard Karchmer, Xi (Georgia Tech) ’69, James Weinberg, Sigma (Tulane) ’83, Craig Varon, Xi (Georgia Tech) ’72, Fred Flax, Lambda (Case Western Reserve) ’67, Ken Beringer, Psi (Alabama) ’70, Matt Irby, Mu (UGA) ’17, Jay Lerner, Alpha Omicron (Arizona) ’86, Dennis Lewitt (Faron’s dad), and Steven Herman, Psi (Alabama) ’89.
Psi of Phi Epsilon Pi (University of Illinois)
Lorin Spak, ’63, received a J.D. in 1966 and a Ph.D. in 2002. Married to Susan Ziffrin since 1964. Now 75 years old and fully retired spending time in shotgun sports at Northbrook Sports Club in Illinois and Gulf Coast Clays in Naples, Florida.
Alpha Gamma of Phi Sigma Delta (University of Illinois)
Stephen Lewis, ’62, is proud to share his grandson, Geoffrey M. Lasin, ’19, was initiated into the Iota Chapter at the University of Denver in fall 2015.
Gamma (Northwestern University)
Dan Golden, ’03, founded Chicago and London-based digital marketing agency Be Found Online, who was recently named the No. 1 agency to work for by AdAge in 2016. Read the article here.
Rho Chapter, University of Illinois
The chapter sponsored a Holocaust Remembrance Day event with the campus Chabad and made the local news. They hosted a Holocaust survivor and shared his story with the Chapter and the community at large. It was a great day, and impactful event in spreading tolerance and Jewish heritage. Read the article here.
Henry (Hank) M. Klausman, ’62, at age 75/76, is 2016 ALTA Tennis City Champion in Atlanta. While an undergraduate at Illinois, he was a member of the UI Gymnastics team and earned the opportunity to compete for USA in the Olympic Trials. He previously earned the city tennis title in 1999.
Beta Gamma (Indiana University)
Jerome (Jerry) C. Daniel, ’57, received the honor of having the Overlook on Mulholland Drive above the Hollywood Bowl renamed the Jerome C. Daniel Overlook.
Sigma (Tulane University)
Carey Fischer, ’72, planning the first reunion for Sigma Chapter graduating Class of 1972. Great responses to requests to finally get together after so many years. Most said they were hoping someone would finally organize a reunion. Looking forward to Nov. 3 to 5 for Tulane Homecoming and Class of ’72 reunion. Regards from Fort Lauderdale.
Morgan Steadley, ’15, is engaged to marry Nia Owens. They were engaged in August of 2016.
Barry A. Malkin,’84, has joined the Board of Tulane, the university’s main governing body. Malkin is co-founder and senior managing partner of GEM Realty Capital, Inc., a real estate investment company that invests in private-market real estate assets and publicly traded real estate securities. Read more from Tulane.
Rho Chapter of Phi Sigma Delta (John’s Hopkins University)
Jed Lee Howard, ’54, has a new grandchild.
Mu (Boston University)
Michael DiStefano, ’89, notes this spring marks the beginning of year three for his Scholarships in Sobriety program (S.I.S.). Scholarships in Sobriety is a non-profit organization in Rhode Island that provides financial, medical, vocational, educational and mentoring assistance to meritorious young men and women who want to rise up and meet the possibilities of their own life through sobriety. S.I.S. provides 10 scholarships per year to people who are leaving the confines of sober houses and attempting to reintegrate into mainstream society. S.I.S. helps ease that transition, as it can be fraught with peril and uncertainty. Brother DiStefano founded S.I.S. out of frustration over seeing people continue to live lives of self-diminishment through the abuse of alcohol and/or drugs. S.I.S. has not had to revoke a single scholarship over its first two years. S.I.S. looks forward to continuing its important work. For more information, visit
Theta Alpha (University of Massachusetts)
Benjamin Sokol, ’02, after nearly five years as a financial advisor to some of the wealthiest families in JP Morgan’s Private Bank, Brother Sokol will begin advising clients in Rye, New York, as a Chase Private Client Advisor. Feel free to stop by and say hi if you’re in the area!
Xi (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Brad Waller, ’86, says 2017 looks to be an eventful year. “I was re-elected to another term on the Redondo Beach Unified School District Board of Education. My daughter is graduating high school and heading off to college. And our company is launching a brand new child safety product/service to help keep track of kids on field trips and outings at Other than that, I’m still married (24 years), still living in the same house in Redondo Beach, and still have the same cars (1996 Corvette, 1967 Chevelle), so I’m not really one for change.”
Alpha Mu of Phi Sigma Delta (University of Massachusetts)
Elliot Gaffer, ’63, says daughter Samantha was married in Florida on March 25. The newlyweds are currently living in Manhattan.
Alpha Mu brothers will host a reunion in October 2017. Dates are Friday, October 13 through Sunday, October 15, at Westgate Resort & Spa in Orlando, FL. Contact: Stan Kittredge ’72, 399 Old Farm Rd Franklin, MA 02038; call 508-528-1107; or email
Epsilon Phi (Brandeis University)
Avi Hirshbein, ’19, founded Basement Records, Brandeis’ first ever record label. He continues to serve as president. In March, Basement Records released the song “Upwrite,” which has garnered a lot of exposure and attention for Basement Records. Read more on the label.
Phi (University of Michigan)
Martin Mayer, ’50, is retired.
Mark L. Rosenberg, Esq., ’69, attended a reunion in Ann Arbor with 1960s brothers and officers of new ZBT colony. Pictured.
Eta of Phi Sigma Delta (University of Michigan)
Laurens (Larry) Ruben, ’49, currently is emeritus professor in biology at Reed College, Portland, Oregon. He has been married to Judith Starr Ruben for 67 years and has three children and five grandchildren.
Omega (University of Missouri)
Harold Kaufman, ’87, is currently executive director of communications for the New York Mets.
Congressman J. Martin Frost, III, ’64, says his son-in-law Larry Bach who is a ZBT from SUNY Albany is now the reform rabbi in Durham, North Carolina.
Alan Stine, ’64, retired as an associate judge of the Aurora, Colorado, municipal court on December 31, 2016. He was immediately re-appointed as a relief judge and will continue in a part-time role to cover for judges on vacation, ill or away for training.
Jerry Sigoloff, ’65, notes the Omega Chapter has started a new tradition. He purchased a gold with pearls Pin from eBay that will be passed from the exiting Chapter President to the newly elected President each year as a way of recognizing his assumption of responsibility. He also sadly reports the passing of Omega brother John Steiner, Class of 1966. He was a probate attorney and will be remembered with fond memories.
New York
Eta Iota (SUNY-Plattsburgh)
Craig Kaufman, ’06, was promoted to director, studio and technical operations of the NBC Sports Group in March. In this role, he manages the day-to-day operations of the NBC Sports International Broadcast Center in Stamford, Connecticut. In addition, he oversees the technical managers and manpower scheduling of NBC Sports as well as the facilities scheduling team for NBC Sports and Olympics.
Gamma (New York University)
Cody Goodrich, ’15, currently is backpacking solo around the world for 8 months. Before he left, he launched a travel website at You can also follow Brother Goodrich’s journey on Instagram (@decodedtravelblog), Facebook ( or subscribe on YouTube (@codycgoodrich).
Sigma of Phi Alpha (Polytechnic Institute of New York University)
Richard Bogner, ’48, owns and operates radio station 87.7 FM and TV Channel 6 in New York City per the FCC’s March 20 announcement of spectrum auction results.
Kappa Nu (Alfred University)
Howard Gershon, ’70, was named as the 2016 Distinguished Alumni by the MHA Alumni Association of the Milken Institute School of Public Health at The George Washington University. The award, which was presented during the GW alumni weekend, recognized him for his exceptional dedication toward improving health care through a lifetime of leadership and excellence.
Delta of Phi Sigma Delta (New York University)
Lewis Medoff, ’57, is retired, living in Hilton Head’s Sun City Retirement Community. He says he’s healthy, wealthy (“So-so!”) and wise at 82 and still going strong. Wife of 57 married years. Still trying to keep up with her. Three daughters (a trial lawyer, a novelist whose fourth book will be published in early 2018) and a corporate event planner. Knock wood, all are doing well. Six healthy and growing grandchildren. Retired from three major companies, Revlon, Max Factor and J A Henckels.
Delta (Columbia University)
The Delta Chapter Class of 1958 hosted a reunion in August 2013. Attending included Bob Waldbaum, M.D., Leonard Zivetz, M.D., Ira Covlin, Esq., Mark Weiss, Esq., Arthur Freeman and Paul Herman, Esq.
Alpha Epsilon of Phi Sigma Delta (Syracuse University)
Allen Marcus, ’61, has six Merry Maids housecleaning franchises with three offices in northern New Jersey.
Alpha Beta (Temple University)
Douglas L. Maine, ’70, is chairman of the Advisory Board of Olympusat, Inc., one of the largest independent media companies specializing in the ownership, distribution, production and technical services of Spanish- and English-language networks. Among the other Olympusat board members is former U.S. House Speaker John Boehner. Brother Maine enjoyed a highly successful career at IBM Corp., where he served as their Chief Financial Officer, Unit President, and other varied responsibilities. Before joining IBM, Maine was Chief Financial Officer at MCI Communication Corp, and prior to that President of their 14-State Southern Division. In addition to his current role, Maine serves on the Board of Directors of three public companies. Pictured: The Olympusat board, including Brother Maine, third from the left.
Alpha Psi (Pennsylvania State University)
Julian Falk, ’57, says, “Better late than never!”
Theta (University of Pennsylvania)
Walter Goldsmith, ’55, migrated to the West Coast in 2000 and he and wife, Dorothy, are enjoying Palm Desert, California.
Zeta of Phi Epsilon Pi (University of Pittsburgh)
Marvin Recht, ’57, following an early retirement from General Motors in 1992, he joined the faculty of Butler University’s Lacy School of Business in Indianapolis, Indiana, and has been teaching and serving as an academic advisor as well as being actively involved in campus organizations. He has been the faculty advisor for four fraternities as well as Mortar Board and currently serve on the Student Conduct Board. This will be his 25th year at Butler following my 35-year career with GM. He says his friends accuse him of “flunking retirement.”
Iota Chapter of Phi Epsilon Pi (Dickinson College)
The brothers of the Iota Chapter of Phi Epsilon Pi, later ZBT, between 1971 and 1978 got together for a reunion in Philadelphia in November 2016. The reunion was held at a restaurant in downtown Philadelphia on Saturday, November 5. Brothers attended from all over the country and turnout was very good. The classes of 1971 to 1973 also hosted a dinner on Friday.
Rhode Island
Rho Iota (University of Rhode Island)
Bryan Ferguson, ’05, and Adam Oliveri, ’05, launched Craft Collective the only craft exclusive distributor in the state of Massachusetts. Read more here. Pictured: Brothers Ferguson and Oliveri.
Lambda (University of Texas)
Lambda Chapter at the University of Texas raised $20,146.84 in their 2016 Dads’ Weekend for Be Strong, Fight On!, a charitable, tax-exempt organization based out of Washington state that finds new ways to fund research in pediatric cancer areas, and particularly for children fighting aggressive leukemia.
Alpha Mu (University of Washington)
Brothers Bruce Krivosha, Dick Rosenwald and Don Shifrin planned a 50-year reunion of the Alpha Mu Pledge Class of 1966. Brother Krivosha managed the email list, Brother Rosenwald the logistics, and Brother Shifrin procured a banner, cake and was the emcee. They invited as many class members as they could locate and had firm commitments from 20, and 18 arrived. Even living in Seattle a few of the brothers had not reconnected for 46 years! The evening was terrific. Steve Kurzius Kahn even flew in from Los Angeles. The evening was a tremendous reminder that we truly are “brothers for life.” A few brothers who could not attend (out of town) heard about the evening and are pleading to make it a yearly event and early discussions are happening for another event this fall. Pictured: (Back row) Alan Ruder, Michael Wax, Dick Rosenwald, Bruce Glant, Steve Lewis, Steve Azose, (middle row) Art Israel, Bruce Witenberg, Don Shifrin, Dick Jacobs, Bruce Krivosha, Ken Aaron, (front row) Larry Feinstein, Steve Kurzius Kahn, Joe Agoado, Ron Butler and Val Robins.
Alpha Epsilon (Washington and Lee University)
Henry Fleishman, ’70, reports15 brothers from the Alpha Epsilon Chapter who graduated in the early 1970s have been getting together for five years at Pawley’s Island, South Carolina. The most recent event was April 25. Pictured: Brothers Steve Sandler, Ronnie Sklar, Henry Fleishman, Mark Eaker, Sheldon Miller, Scott Apter, Sid Rosenberg, Bob Silverman, Scott Apter, Stuart Porter, William Jacobs, Kenny Murov, Art Fuhrman, Paul Sugar and Charles “Chuck” Cahn. Other past attendees include: Scot Brower, Mark Evans, Pete Besson, Richard Abrams.
West Virginia
Gamma Epsilon (Marshall University)
Marshall University Alumni Weekend 2017 was especially important to and exciting for the alumni brothers of the Gamma Epsilon Chapter. Two of their own, Michael M. Myint, ’73, and George T. Smailes, Jr., ’71, were honored. Brother Myint, an oil and gas industry executive from Myanmar, was inducted into the Marshall University Lewis College of Business Hall of Fame, and Brother Smailes, the recently retired Executive Director of the Huntington (West Virginia) YMCA, received the Marshall University Alumni Award for Outstanding Achievement in Community Service. Both brothers had also been honored in Huntington last fall. Brother Myint received the Lewis College of Business Advisory Board’s Dr. Robert P. Alexander Mentorship Award, and the City of Huntington, by Mayoral Proclamation, designated the two-block section of Tenth Avenue in front of the YMCA George Smailes, Jr. Way in honor of Brother Smailes’ 49-year career at the YMCA. Pictured: John E. Pauley, ’70, James P. (Jim) Summers, ’69, George T. Smailes, Jr., Michael M. Myint, J. Alan (Frog) Hart, ’72, George A. Harbour, Jr., ’72, and Joseph (Joe) M. Gillette, ’73.
Alpha Kappa (University of Wisconsin)
Arnold Goldberg, ’55, retired in 2015 after serving as a professor and later as the dean of workforce and economic development at Houston Community College System for 28 years. Previously, Brother Goldberg spent many years as an architect and later as an artist. He is now devoting his retirement years to producing works of art again. See examples of his work, both the old and the recent works, at
Alpha Psi of Phi Epsilon Pi (McGill University)
Irwin Sankoff, ’57, says daughter Irene has collaborated with her husband David Hein to write the Broadway hit musical “Come from Away.” Google “Come from Away” site to read about sold out successes in San Diego, Seattle, Washington, D.C., Toronto and New York.
Phi Alpha
Sigma (Polytechnic Institute of New York University)
Richard Bogner, ’48, owns and operates radio station 87.7 FM and TV Channel 6 in New York City per the FCC’s March 20 announcement of spectrum auction results.
Phi Sigma Delta
Delta (New York University)
Lewis Medoff, ’57, is retired, living in Hilton Head’s Sun City Retirement Community. He says he’s healthy, wealthy (“So-so!”) and wise at 82 and still going strong. Wife of 57 married years. Still trying to keep up with her. Three daughters (a trial lawyer, a novelist whose fourth book will be published in early 2018) and a corporate event planner. Knock wood, all are doing well. Six healthy and growing grandchildren. Retired from three major companies, Revlon, Max Factor and J A Henckels.
Eta (University of Michigan)
Laurens (Larry) Ruben, ’49, currently is emeritus professor in biology at Reed College, Portland, Oregon. He has been married to Judith Starr Ruben for 67 years and have three children and five grandchildren.
Rho Chapter (John’s Hopkins University)
Jed Lee Howard, ’54, has a new grandchild.
Alpha Alpha (University of Connecticut)
Gerald Hoffman, ’54, retired dentist, living in Baltimore, Maryland. Married 59 years to a wonderful wife, Marcia Greenberg Hoffman, two terrific daughters, Ray Ellen and Wendy, and three amazing grandsons, Evan, Max and Chad.
Alpha Gamma (University of Illinois)
Stephen Lewis, ’62, is proud to share his grandson, Geoffrey M. Lasin, ’19, was initiated into the Iota Chapter at the University of Denver in fall 2015.
Alpha Mu (University of Massachusetts)
Elliot Gaffer, ’63, says daughter Samantha was married in Florida on March 25. The newlyweds are currently living in Manhattan.
Brothers will host a reunion in October 2017. Dates are Friday, October 13 through Sunday, October 15, at Westgate Resort & Spa in Orlando, FL. Contact: Stan Kittredge ’72, 399 Old Farm Rd Franklin, MA 02038; call 508-528-1107; or email
Alpha Epsilon (Syracuse University)
Allen Marcus, ’61, has six Merry Maids housecleaning franchises with three offices in northern New Jersey.
Phi Epsilon Pi
Zeta (University of Pittsburgh)
Marvin Recht, ’57, following an early retirement from General Motors in 1992, he joined the faculty of Butler University’s Lacy School of Business in Indianapolis, Indiana, and has been teaching and serving as an academic advisor as well as being actively involved in campus organizations. He has been the faculty advisor for four fraternities as well as Mortar Board and currently serve on the Student Conduct Board. This will be his 25th year at Butler following my 35-year career with GM. He says his friends accuse him of “flunking retirement.”
Iota (Dickinson College)
The brothers of the Iota Chapter of Phi Epsilon Pi, later ZBT, between 1971 and 1978 got together for a reunion in Philadelphia in November 2016. The reunion was held at a restaurant in downtown Philadelphia on Saturday, November 5. Brothers attended from all over the country and turnout was very good. The classes of 1971 to 1973 also hosted a dinner on Friday.
Xi (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Michael Weinstein, ’70, presently is a physician practicing internal medicine in Boston. When not working he is an avid plein air painter doing landscapes in oil. Been married for 28 years. Love the New England area but have mixed feelings for Atlanta.
Psi (University of Illinois)
Lorin Spak, ’63, received a J.D. in 1966 and a Ph.D. in 2002. Married to Susan Ziffrin since 1964. Now 75 years old and fully retired spending time in shotgun sports at Northbrook Sports Club in Illinois and Gulf Coast Clays in Naples, Florida.
Alpha Psi (McGill University)
Irwin Sankoff, ’57, says daughter Irene has collaborated with her husband David Hein to write the Broadway hit musical “Come from Away.” Google “Come from Away” site to read about sold out successes in San Diego, Seattle, Washington, D.C., Toronto and New York.