Proud ZBT Parents
Issue: Spring 2017

Zeta Beta Tau has been blessed over the years with supportive parents. We know that our families help our brothers thrive within the Fraternity, as our Fraternity helps make our men thrive on and off campus.
We are proud to share the stories of some of current families and how ZBT helped our brothers grow.
The Zwierz Family
I am writing to you as a parent of a ZBT from the University of Iowa.
Zachary Zwierz was approached several years ago to start a chapter at the University of Iowa. Zack was not the type of person to be interested in fraternities of any kind. He was not interested in what ZBT had to say and was pretty much a shy young man who did not want to stand out in a crowd. I don’t know what the recruiter said to him at that time, but it changed his life.
Starting a chapter and becoming the chapter president was so beyond the boy we knew. That really turned him into a leader and instilled a sense of confidence in him. This was a major turning point in his life. He attended the James E. Greer, Jr. Presidents’ Leadership Academy, led sessions at Dover Days, attended the International Convention and sat on the finance committee. All this along with growing the brotherhood at Iowa and planning fundraisers.
These are tremendous accomplishments for a once quiet, unassuming student. As parents, we cannot thank you enough for seeing something in him and forcing him out of his shell. I know for a fact how much the fraternity means to him.
Zack graduated December 17, 2016 (pictured above). He wore the ZBT cord proudly.
— David and Judy Zwierz
The Weiss Family
My son Logan Weiss is a proud ZBT brother and office holder at ZBT at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
I wanted to (share) how much my son’s four-year college experience has been enhanced by being a brother of this organization.
My son has loved every minute of his involvement with ZBT. He has throughout the years held many different positions on the executive board and throughout that time has taken his brotherhood very seriously.
He has been involved in debates, disputes, team building, charity work and meetings, meetings and more meetings, and loved every minute of it.
Fraternity life has not only given him a band of lifelong brothers but it has helped to shape him into the amazing young man that he is today. He takes much pride in mentoring his “littles” and being an active brother who is committed to making his chapter of ZBT the very best that it can be.
When Logan first began at Rutgers, he immediately wanted to move into the house and my husband and I said absolutely not. We told him that if he was an A student and moved into the house and his grades went down to a B, we might be OK with that. But if he was a B student and moved into the house and then became a C student, we were absolutely not OK with that.
We told him that if he wanted to move into the fraternity house and live with his brothers, then he had to prove to us that school came first in his list of priorities. He wanted it, and he did what he needed to do to attain it. He moved into the fraternity house last year and again this year. He has kept up his grades, cemented new ties and is doing all the right things (which include summer internships, winter break jobs and weekly involvement in Chabad on Campus).
As a matter of fact, Logan recently was named to the Dean’s List for a fourth semester. Logan will graduate in May.
I am a very proud ZBT Mom. … I wanted to reach out and (say) how very happy I am that my son has enjoyed his college experience so much because of his ZBT alliance.
— Dana Weiss
Together, ZBT and our families can help make the collegiate and fraternal experience truly worthwhile one. Learn more about what parents can do at zbt.org/parents.
If you wish to recommend a young man to be a part of the ZBT family, share his name with us.