Alumni & Chapter News
Revolutionizing the Boston Experience
Issue: Spring 2017

In October 2016, Michael A. Pollack, Delta Beta (University of Connecticut) ’13, reached out to ZBT International Headquarters staff asking how he could help engage alumni living in the Boston area. With over 4,400 alumni living within 50 miles of downtown Boston, the area had the potential to be home to a very successful alumni association, all it needed was a spark to get it started. Brother Pollack was that spark.
Recently, the Boston Area Alumni Association has been holding a series of networking happy hours around the city. While these events provided opportunities for brothers to meet other alumni and reconnect with old friends, they also served another purpose. They provided a forum for ZBT alumni to come together and share what they wanted from their alumni experience.
The feedback received during these events has led the Boston Area Alumni Association to begin developing their future calendar of events. Future events currently being planned include a group outing to a Red Sox game, an alumni softball tournament, golf outings, a mentoring program and a continuation of their successful networking events.
What has made this group so successful has been their ability to recruit new alumni to become involved in both attending and helping to organize association events. By having active alumni reach out to brothers with whom they have personal relationships, the association continues to grow by building upon relationships that were created as undergraduates. With their current momentum and future schedule of events, this association has positioned itself to have an incredible 2017!
If you are interested in learning more about the Boston Area Alumni Association, or any other opportunities to remain engaged with ZBT after graduation, please contact Pat Gleason, Director of Alumni Engagement, via email a