Alumni & Chapter News
Join ZBT’s brothers-only networking site!
Issue: Spring 2019

Imagine a resource where you can connect with undergraduate and alumni brothers, search for jobs, network in your area and find those brothers with similar interests as you. ZBT is excited to launch the brothers only networking site, BRIDGE.
On BRIDGE, you can look at job openings posted by brothers or post a job at your company in the hopes of hiring a fellow ZBT brother. The platform offers mentorship opportunities and will match you with someone who has the same professional interests as you do. Have a question for older brothers? Use the feed to post your question or volunteer your expertise to someone else’s request.
BRIDGE also has a groups function where you can connect with alumni from your chapter or those living near you. Part of a Rotary Club? There’s a group for that.
Hosting an alumni meetup? Post that in our events section on BRIDGE. That area is also where you can find events and programs hosted by International Headquarters that you can participate in. Details for the 2019 International Convention will be found there.
BRIDGE is here to connect: find and reminisce with fellow graduates, see what they have been up to and stay in touch, give back: Introduce, employ and offer to act as a mentor to our graduating students and expand: leverage your professional network to get introduced to people you should know.
Join the 832 brothers who are using BRIDGE to stay connected and advance their careers today!