Alumni & Chapter News

“Still a ZBT”

This poem was written by Samuel Novenstern, Omicron (Syracuse University) 1950. Brother Novenstern sent the poem to ZBT’s International Headquarters to share how he feels about being a ZBT brother. While ZBT has taken pride in its stance against pledging since 1989, this poem was written about Novenstern’s experience at Syracuse in the 1940’s. He was initiated 72 years ago!


Now that I’m turning 93 I think back on my days as ZBT I think back on days as a lowly pledge and the confidence it gave me, it gave me an edge
My pride was showing, all on campus knew why we attended classes with jacket and tie
Those college days slipped by much too fast but ZBT friendships were made to last
Then we sought our places in our chosen careers along with others, friends and peers
But, with brothers we kept in touch through those many years
Our ranks, once flourishing are now depleted, but our ZBT friendships are not defeated
Friendships come and friendships go, but I would like the world to know
My pride remains for all to see for I am still a ZBT
Carry on Omicron

Novenstern (back left) with 3 ZBT brothers celebrating his 80th birthday in 2006.