
Donor brother meets transplant recipient

Service to others is an important value shared by all ZBTs. An undergraduate brother from the Sigma Chapter at Tulane recently showed his full commitment to this precept by literally saving a teenager’s life.

Brother Warter meeting Sebastian and his family.

Brother Zachary D. Warter, Sigma (Tulane University) 2026, was confirmed as a match for a bone marrow transplant for a 17-year-old with leukemia. Brother Warter had joined the Gift of Life registry through work with his family’s own foundation that supported Gift of Life in prior years. In November 2022, Brother Warter made the life-saving donation to the teen, Sebastian. It was more than a year later, in February 2024, when Zach flew to Dallas to meet Sebastian.

“Getting to meet Sebastian yesterday was a gift that I never imagined. He’s an amazing kid that I can’t wait to continue to grow my connection to him,” Zach, 20, shared with the Sigma Chapter social media.

Watch: https://www.fox4news.com/video/1411324

Brother Warter is from New Jersey, and he served the chapter as Operations Director for the year that just ended. He was named Brother of the Year for 2023 by the Sigma brothers.

Gift of Life became an official community partner of Zeta Beta Tau in 2017. This organization assists in transplants for people fighting leukemia and lymphoma and finding donors. In the seven years of our partnership, ZBTs and those they have swabbed have made 348 matches resulting in 34 transplants.

Learn more: www.giftoflife.org/dc/ZBT