Alumni & Chapter News
Historic chapters returning 2024, 2025
Issue: Spring 2024

Zeta Beta Tau prides itself on reaching more and more college students each year, while standing by the traditions and history of the world’s first Jewish Fraternity. Recruitment is the lifeblood of ZBT, and the Fraternity’s international leadership has placed great emphasis on energizing our campuses! ZBT is proud to share more on the return of three historic Prospective Chapters coming up this year.
UNC-Chapel Hill, Alpha Pi
This Prospective Chapter will officially restart with five initiated brothers in the fall.
Alpha Pi will be confirmed with the university as an official student organization in August 2024 and will also be participating in formal recruitment in the fall. Staff has been supporting Chapter President Jason Calderon, 2027, from Springfield, New Jersey, and the other four new brothers in the Chapter through spring.
The Prospective Chapter is operating well so far. All of the brothers are involved within the Jewish community on campus and are student leaders – very outgoing men. Through the rest of this year, the brothers are focused on their chartering requirements and recruitment; however, housing will be discussed soon as all but one other fraternity on campus are housed.
We are proud of the new brothers for co-hosting an Israel event with Hillel: Read more.
The new advisors will be Peter J. Procopio, Jr., Zeta Mu (State University of New York – Oswego) 1992, and David E. Rind, Delta Iota (University of Central Florida) 2014, both based in the Carolinas. They are very passionate about helping develop the brothers and have been very helpful and involved.
Clemson, Eta Alpha
Fraternity staff in conjunction with the Fraternity & Sorority Life Office have been working diligently to reestablish the Eta Alpha Chapter in early 2024. Hillel has been a great partner as well. Interest levels are high for incoming students matriculating in fall 2024, which is a good note for IFC recruitment after the start of the new year.
This Prospective Chapter does need alumni support, including a local to South Carolina Chapter Advisor. If you or a brother you recommend are interested, here is basic information.
University of Virginia, Phi Epsilon
This restart officially launches in the next academic year. A pre-site visit including meetings with IFC, Hillel, Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life and potential advisors in April was very effective.
UVA does not allow first-year students to join in their first semester on campus, but ZBT can recruit upperclassmen and transfer students initially. We will still engage first-year students and cultivate interest for Spring 2025 recruitment. Staff estimates the new Prospective Chapter will start with about 20 brothers. No advisors have been officially appointed, but alumni excitement for this project is high.
ZBT National Housing owns a house at 515 Rugby Road. This is a 11-bedroom house with a president’s suite, three bathrooms, laundry room, balcony, back patio, three large chapter rooms, and a 16-car parking lot. The chapter will have an opportunity to live in the house once they have chartered again. Housing support makes this project stronger.
Follow along on Instagram at @uvazbt.
University of Michigan, Phi
ZBT was approved to return to the University of Michigan in late April. We are in the early stages of planning the Phi Chapter’s triumphant return and are looking at a 2025 project. The house is currently being rented by another fraternity through ZBT National Housing.