
Undergrads are volunteers too!

As a Brotherhood for a Lifetime, ZBT offers many opportunities for service – including for those who are just beginning their ZBT journey!

Alumni and professionals provide great mentorship and life skills in a volunteer capacity, but sometimes hearing it from a peer is just as helpful. Zeta Beta Tau utilizes our outstanding undergraduates to support brothers from other chapters in several capacities, like peer facilitators at programs like the James E. Greer, Jr. Presidents’ Leadership Academy, on-site chapter to chapter opportunities and undergraduate representatives on the Supreme Council.

Often, these student volunteers continue their service after graduating as Chapter Advisors or facilitators for programs like Combatting Campus Antisemitism.

Here’s an example of one such leader and the way he gives back to ZBT.

Spotlight: Corey Pevitz

Brother Pevitz (left) coaches newly elected Chapter President Max Shafran, Alpha Omega (University of Miami), (right) the academy in January.

Brother Pevitz has taken on several leadership roles at Delta Lambda, including serving as Chapter President, and he’s also Scots Student Senate vice president for the college.

For ZBT, he served on the international Mental Health Committee and he’s now chairing a new affinity group for brothers who are Interfraternity Council or student government leaders on campus. Brother Pevitz was a past president peer facilitator at the academy in January as well.

His leadership has resulted in his being named Greek Man of Year and Greek President of the Year for Monmouth this April.

How you can volunteer

For any alumni or students who are interested in serving their peers, visit zbt.org/volunteers for more information or you can email Director of the Alumni Experience Cassie Jacobs Faucheaux at cjacobs@zbtnational.org.