Alumni & Chapter News
Chapter Updates
Issue: Winter 2020

Arizona State University
Gamma Tau has held weekly chapter meetings and organized online gaming as well as several brotherhood events such as annual camping trip and hangouts across their satellite houses. Gamma Tau has also organized date nights at local restaurants and have held rituals and their elections.
Binghamton University
Epsilon Delta was able to have a few sports games before things changed due to the pandemic, including kickball, volleyball and flag football. The also had a secret Santa and a socially distant barbecue as well as weekly online poker tournaments. Their elections have been completed.
Boston City Area
Gamma Psi has been able to safely have small get togethers. To keep their brothers connected, they organized many different online events surrounding video games, including multiple tournaments within the chapter. They have also elected their new officers and have held virtual chapter meetings.
Brandeis University
Epsilon Phi was able to run a COVID safe recruitment as well as partner with Gift of Life to raise awareness about rare cancers and add their brothers to the donor list. They are also working on alumni outreach so they are ready once their alumni are comfortable visiting.
Brooklyn College
During this past semester Beta Xi executed a virtual philanthropy event. They utilized social media to raise money for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals through an Instagram fundraising event. The chapter president raised money for CMNH to shave his beard on Instagram live. Through this activity the brothers were able to raise over $250 for CMNH. They have been able to connect with brothers virtually through video games and regular zoom chapter meetings.
California Polytechnic State University
Eta Mu hosted virtual scavenger hunts with teams being made up of their chapter brothers, they have had brothers set up basketball tournaments and golf outings as well. Brothers have also been finding lots of time to surf with each other and enjoy the outdoors. They have increased their communication in their chapter slack channel, discord groups and GroupMe’s to help brothers communicate more efficiently and find times to spend with one another.
California State University – Northridge
Gamma Beta has been able to do several things virtually such as providing big brothers for their new brothers and have virtual gaming with all brothers. Like so many other chapters, recruitment was also done with all recruitment events being online. The Gamma Beta brothers also participated in and hosted a virtual philanthropy. Their president found this to be the most unique thing they did as a chapter because in his previous 3 years since joining this was the first semester he witnessed communication, accomplishments, participation, brotherly love, and most importantly committing to their goal despite being in fear of not being able to host a philanthropy and give back due to Covid-19.
Case Western Reserve University
Lambda has enjoyed paintballing, hiking and Zoom Events. They have also been able to hold elections. The most unique thing the Lambda Chapter did this semester was to have every undergraduate brother certified as Active Bystanders by Cleveland Rape Crisis Center.
College of Staten Island
College of Staten Island Prospective Chapter connected with each other by having virtual get togethers via Zoom. They have also held mixers with mandatory COVID testing, participated in community service, and brotherhood events.
Cornell University
Kappa brothers have been able to have fun doing outdoor socially-distanced activities like football catches, bonfires, and Zoom games like quiplash, AmongUs, and Fifa. The most fun unique thing they did this semester was an AmongUs tournament via Zoom that got very intense and competitive. They were able to maintain their sense of brotherhood even with a mostly virtual format. They have elected their new executive board.
Elon University
Eta Sigma has been able to get together for some smaller BDD events. This has been a bit of a challenge due to the Coivd-19 regulations, but by working with university and state guidelines, they were able to get together in small groups and maintain their strong brotherhood. During the fall 2020 semester they encountered one of the strangest recruitment processes due to current circumstances. Eta Sigma was able to navigate this by holding virtual events via Zoom and asking those going through recruitment to submit their own pre-recorded “pitch” as a way for brothers to get to know them better. They held elections for new officers early in November. This process was not greatly interrupted due to virtual meeting resources. They have entered the transitional period for December 2020 – January 2021 in which their previous officers will work with the new incoming officers in order to ensure everything will roll out smoothly and they each have a good understanding of their position.
Emory University
The Eta Lambda Prospective Chapter was just founded this fall so their fraternity activities were mostly limited to initiation and holding chapter meetings every week. The most unique thing their prospective chapter did this semester was the recruitment of the founding father class via Zoom. This was definitely an interesting way for them to start a new prospective chapter, but they felt like they have been able to make the best of a bad situation. They have elected their first executive board.
Fairleigh Dickinson Univerity – Madison
Epsilon Tau brothers participated in a Zeebs Against Humanity with the Delta Pi Chapter (FDU-Metro), and have done outside social events such as top golf. They were also able to hold their elections virtually.
Franklin & Marshall College
Alpha Tau has been doing a lot of online events like brotherhood game nights and their yearly fantasy football league. They are also trying to get other Greek organizations on campus to participate in Gift of Life by ordering swab kits since they can’t do swab drives in person. They are currently working on finding a way to do a digital version of Get on the Ball where they pass a picture of a ball around various social media platforms of their personal accounts and the accounts of others involved in Greek life. Their elections have been completed.
Gannon University
Zeta Xi brothers found a way to still have a strong brotherhood and hold events that followed CDC and school guidelines during these trying times, such as Spike Ball brotherhood events, Candle pass, Friendsgiving, and ZBT Games Day, as well as hold their elections.
Georgia Institute of Technology
Xi brothers have held various activities such as paintball, Lake Day, pumpkin carving, and other brotherhood activities. They have also been able to hold elections.
Monmouth College
Delta Lambda had the luxury of being back on campus this semester. This year they were able to participate in a virtual recruitment setting, table and fundraise for philanthropies including Jewish Women International (JWI) and the Young Survival Coalition. They had a hybrid in-person initiation, followed by an in-person Brotherhood Orientation and Big/Little ritual ceremonies. They’ve also been able to connect more with ZBT’s Jewish heritage through Temple Sholom located in Galesburg, IL. They hosted a Zoom event open to the campus called “Anti-Semitism Awareness” and invited a guest speaker from the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center to speak on his Holocaust survival story. This was the first event of this nature that the Chapter has hosted. Delta Lambda Chapter has been recognized as a Top 3 Recruiting Chapter across small campuses this fall semester, and as the Top Chapter for Standards of Excellence submissions for the month of November 2020. They were also able to hold their elections for the 2021 academic year.
Muhlenberg College
Along with holding elections, Alpha Nu has held a multitude of creative virtual brotherhood events. They have done numerous trivia nights, fun alumni events, and ran a virtual magic show where they raised over $540 for the Children’s Miracle Network Hospital in Hershey, PA. The amazing magician was Alpha Nu’s very own Jason Silberman (Class of ’19). Some patients were also able to enjoy the magic show via Zoom. As a Greek Community at Muhlenberg College, Alpha Nu brothers had the privilege to listen to Tim Piazza’s family talk about the negative consequences of hazing and the pledging process. It was a very powerful and emotional event which all chapter brothers attended. This event only validated and confirmed why we as a Fraternity don’t pledge or haze.
New York University
Gamma has been able to hold virtual chapter meetings this semester and have held elections. They have also been able to enjoy small weekly get-togethers to watch football and recreational sports (safely) at public parks. They have been able to enjoy some time with their B+ Hero, King. Because of the current circumstances, they have not been able to visit with King in person, but they have been able to arrange several calls with him to help keep his spirits up. They would often spend close to an hour on Zoom with him playing games or cracking jokes.
Northwestern University
Gamma has elected a new executive board as well as formed new social policies and a deeper connection to ZBT traditions. They also started their recruitment process and participated in the 3 Dollar Challenge taking place on social media, which helps raise money for college student wellness and suicide prevention. Due to students not being allowed back on campus currently, they were not able to meet in person but did successfully hold chapter meetings and executive board elections via Zoom.
Pace University
Delta Zeta has participated in a wide range of brotherly bonding activities. With all of Manhattan at their fingertips, they have taken full advantage of the variety of opportunities that NYC has to offer. Activities such as: brotherly BBQ’s, golfing range at Chelsea Piers, Goal Gala, AMC Movie theatre, brotherhood Thanksgiving meal, basketball court, World Series watching party and Super Bowl watching party.
Pennsylvania State University
Due to COVID, Alpha Psi has only been able to do some brotherhood events for in-house brothers as well as hold other brotherhood events over Zoom for all brothers. The most unique thing the Chapter has done this semester is the in-house brothers built and painted benches and other things for the Chapter while growing relationships with other brothers. They were also successful in holding their elections.
Purdue University
Like many other chapters, this semester was unlike any other for the Alpha Alpha Chapter, but there were still many positives that came from it. The first being Winterization; this is a program that is run through Purdue University that people volunteer to do many things like rake leaves, clean windows, or other miscellaneous work around the outside of some people’s homes. As a chapter they have been able to help this organization in past years and were very glad that it was still put on this year. Lastly, to highlight one brother in particular, Logan Clemens was able to raise money for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals even with the current circumstances due to COVID-19. Recruitment also became a unique activity for the chapter, as it would not be able to be done in it’s normal face to face way. With online recruitment being new to everyone, many thought there could be a lack of participants, but in the end, the Alpha Alpha Chapter was able to recruit 35 new brothers in the fall semester.
Quinnipiac University
Despite limited opportunities this semester due to COVID, Eta Omicron Chapter has been able to hold elections, have weekly meetings to discuss ways to improve a brothers’ accountability regarding yearly dues, participation in online events, and continuing to spread good news about Zeta Beta Tau. They were not able to host any functions on or off campus this semester because of restrictions due to the pandemic, but they have thought of effective and beneficial ways to improve the Fraternity’s image once they are given the green light to do so. Eta Omicron has demonstrated what it means to be a ZBT. Earlier this year, one of their brothers had a family member pass away suddenly, leaving the Fraternity in shock. The brothers of Zeta Beta Tau immediately reached out, offered a hand and a shoulder for him, and made him aware of the family he had outside of his home. Speaking with the brother now, he said it definitely contributed to his overall well-being during such a tragic time as he now appreciates every brother and knows he has a friend, a brother, and family in all of the Chapter.
Ramapo College
Due to COVID, Zeta Delta has held their chapter meetings, elections and recruitment virtually.
Rutgers State University of New Jersey
Beta Delta adjusted the way they did things because of the pandemic by doing brotherhood events over zoom, playing games with each other online, and staying active in various group chats to keep in touch with each other. Though it has been a struggle with the pandemic, in many ways the Beta Delta brothers feel closer to each other than ever. The difficult circumstances have allowed them to really get to know things about each other that they might not have otherwise. They also held their elections completely over Zoom.
San Diego State University
Beta Lambda has been able to hold several events over Zoom, such as online poker events or other online games. The brothers who currently live in chapter housing come together for different sporting events and pool days when they have a break from their online studies. The most unique thing that their Chapter has done has been virtual esports tournament. They had several potential new members involved so it benefited recruitment as well as Chapter morale. Beta Lambda has also been able to hold their elections virtually.
Santa Clara University
Eta Upsilon held some virtual brotherhood and recruitment events. They have hosted weekly brotherhood events over Zoom and were able to involve most of the Chapter and have built a virtual community to keep in contact with brothers and alumni during the pandemic.
State University of New York – Oneonta
While the Epsilon Nu has been limited in what they can do due to the current circumstances, they held successful fundraising initiatives and were able to raise $778 for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation and donating to and raising awareness to anti-racism/civil rights groups. They are starting the transition of their new officers.
The George Washington University
Like many other chapter’s during this time, Phi Alpha Alpha has had to do most of their activities, such as elections, social events, and other activities virtually. They were able to hold a small virtual Friendsgiving.
Towson University
Eta Kappa has done an online philanthropy event for Children’s Miracle Network Hosptials (CMNH) through a livestream of brothers playing different video games, where they raised over $1,500. They also participated in a $3 donation challenge online that many other ZBT chapters participated in. The Chapter held a fundraiser at Chipotle and raised money for the Chapter following social distancing guidelines at the venue. Virtual chapter meetings were held via Zoom. They also held a virtual recruitment where they had video game events, virtual breakout rooms to get to know potential new members, and meet the brothers meetings where they introduced themselves to the potential new members. Elections were also held.
Tulane University
Sigma has been able to do various activities this semester. They had small, socially-distanced meals at the house and organized three, Covid-19 friendly philanthropic events (food drive, brotherhood 2k tournament, and three dollar challenge). The most unique thing that the Chapter has done this semester is implement a Good and Wellness chair. The executive board felt it was necessary to appoint an individual brother to spearhead potential health concerns. This chair focuses on addressing the mental and physical health of the brothers. This chair has been crucial to the Chapter’s success by organizing safe ways to get brothers meals/other things they may need if they are sick and checking in on brothers that are mentally struggling. Sigma Chapter hopes to continue to hold brotherhood meals, various philanthropic events, and potentially socially-distanced social events in the future.
University of Alabama
While it was difficult to do in-person events at the beginning of the semester, Psi Chapter was able to have socially distanced meals together, as well as hybrid chapter meetings. As regulations lifted slightly, they were able to have date parties and other events as well as raised money for United Way and COVID-19 relief. Psi has been able to hold elections as well as initiated a strong class this fall. In the summer of 2020, the Psi Chapter had a groundbreaking addition to their house. Due to the support from alumni, undergraduates, parents and friends of ZBT toward a Capital Campaign conducted in partnership with the Zeta Beta Tau Foundation, they were able to transform their basement into a renovated space, otherwise referred to as the “Study basement.” Thanks to their wonderful donors, they are able to continue their great efforts academically, and work hard to keep their house GPA in the top 5 of all fraternities at the University of Alabama.
University of Arizona
Alpha Omicron has been able to hold some in-person chapter meetings outside as well as hold top golf and paintball events. They also held successful elections.
University of California – Berkeley
Alpha Eta Prospective Chapter was just formed midway through this semester. They have started holding chapter meetings, executive board meetings, and planning philanthropy events for next semester. They held their first elections this semester. Earlier in the semester, nearly the whole chapter took a trip up to Lake Tahoe and were able to enjoy fishing and hiking together. The brothers are looking forward to building a new ZBT chapter at UC Berkeley!
University of California – Los Angeles
Due to the pandemic, Alpha Rho has had to hold most of their meetings and events virtually. They have been able to hold Brotherhood golf days on Fridays.
University of California – Santa Barbara
Gamma Xi is currently working on an online philanthropy where they will sell monthly themed calendars picturing their brothers. They are also designing a Chapter website for better parent and alumni relations. Gamma Xi recruited a large number of new brothers and are working to provide them the brotherhood experience that other brothers have been able to experience. They have also been able to hold their elections.
University of Central Florida
Due to COVID-19, Delta Iota has not been able to hold any formal events since March. But have converted some internal traditions onto Zoom such as weekly chapter, study sessions, and ZBThanksgiving. Their philanthropy captains were also invited to attend their miracle child’s, Myles, birthday party in October. They have had Myles in Zoom chapter meetings on numerous occasions this semester so the brotherhood can talk to him and brighten his day. To keep brothers invested and engaged in the Chapter, they have created opportunities for brothers to interact with each other virtually. For example, they had a brotherhood warzone competition. War zone is a video game, and brothers competed against each other, crowning one team as winner. They also converted their annual ZBThanksgiving event to online, where brothers gathered and shared a meal over Zoom.
University of Colorado Boulder
Beta Alpha Theta has been able to hold chapter every week of the year. They have been using Zoom and remained socially distant for the live-ins. They have also held a virtual philanthropy for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation where they raised $1,200 over Instagram. The were also able to initially recruit a new class of 19 and hold elections.
University of Florida
Despite the numerous challenges for Alpha Zeta, like all ZBT chapters faced this past semester, they were able to hold elections and their brotherhood remained strong through activities that were primarily outdoors, including themed outdoor dinners such as an Israeli dinner and s’mores, gators football watch parties, and organized outdoor sports. Additionally, brothers were able to participate in many philanthropic events, such as canned food and present drives. The most unique thing they did this past semester was a brotherhood event which utilized a local outdoor gym for boxing lessons. Since it was tough to really enjoy events considering the nature of the times, this fun and unique experience was certainly memorable and was a great way to keep the semester interesting.
University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign
A big part of Rho’s semester was dedicated to philanthropy. They raised over $200 for the Brett Lerner Foundation and $200 for Toys for Tots through charity fundraisers! Rho Chapter has also been able to hold elections and do meet and greet/game nights on Zoom. They have organized many movie nights, poker nights, and video game tournaments within their own house. The most unique thing Rho brothers did was dedicate a couple of days of every month to mental health awareness. They would meet via zoom or at an educational building on campus and talk about their issues in an open and constructive space.
University of Kansas
Epsilon Mu was able to have recruitment events and a rock chalk revue. They also had one of the top three recruitment classes for the fall based on their campus size.
University of Maryland
The pivot to virtual recruitment was a pretty good success for the Beta Zeta Epsilon Chapter. While they only ended up with a group of five (5) new brothers, they were greatly pleased with how involved the vast majority of their brotherhood was in the recruitment process. They had a very good turnout with brothers attending multiple Zoom events and speaking to potential new brothers about their passion for ZBT. Ultimately, the five (5) new brothers who joined their Chapter had a high quality recruitment experience rooted in brotherhood and enthusiasm even in a virtual format. Something unique Beta Zeta Epsilon Chapter has done to come together despite the struggles of the pandemic has been a series of online games like poker or video game tournaments. Although the whole Chapter has not been able to be together in person, the competitiveness and participation in these online games has been a unique resource that has kept brother engagement with each other very high. The Chapter also successfully held elections.
University of Massachusetts – Amherst
Theta Alpha has been able to hold elections as well as have Patriot Sundays, where they hold a Zoom meeting and all watch the Patriots games together. It’s a nice way for their brothers to bond and have connections with the brothers who aren’t currently in Amherst due to COVID. In addition to online activities, they have been able to hold small gatherings of intramural basketball games with the brothers as well as small cookout nights. Theta Alpha held an event for the newly initiated brothers on Zoom where they could meet the older brothers living out of Amherst this year, as well as some alumni! It was fun for them to meet the wide brotherhood!
University of Memphis
The Gamma Mu has hosted a virtual brotherhood retreat and brotherhood event. Their events consisted of them discussing how COVID-19 has affected their lives, and how they could move forward past it. They also discussed the best way for their Chapter to plan programming that would cater to the brothers of their Chapter in the most efficient way. They were able to host an entrepreneurial workshop for their brothers. Their own brother and alumnus, Daniel Pope (2017), owns and operates his company “Be Known” in the local Memphis area. It’s a marketing company with a focus on increasing online engagement and revenue for businesses around the country. He’s helped companies make upwards of a million dollars. The Gamma Mu board met and felt like he was somebody who could come to the chapter meeting and really talk about what it’s like to launch your own career. His presentation assisted brothers with any questions that they might’ve had about choosing their own career path and how to really form and start your own company.
University of Missouri
Omega brothers were able to enjoy a camping/float trip, movie night at a rented out theater, and golfing. The brothers have tried to make the best out of this semester by doing activities and trips they have not previously done. Omega Chapter was also able to hold their elections.
University of North Carolina – Charlotte
Eta Xi has been able to hold brotherhood events, small get-togethers, and educational programs. They held an alcohol and drug prevention program with a sorority via Zoom. They have also been successful in holding their elections.
University of North Florida
University of North Florida Prospective Chapter has been able to do beach cleanups around Jacksonville as well as canned food drives. They are grateful for the opportunity to give back to the community while still maintaining COVID protocols keeping them and their community safe. They have held their elections.
University of Rhode Island
Rho Iota has been able to hold a blood drive, Zoom nights and Instagram live fundraiser. Rho Iota has elected their new officers.
University of South Florida
Gamma Chi has held chapter meetings every Sunday virtually which allowed their Chapter to see each others faces again. They held a virtual philanthropy fundraiser for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, as well as had a virtual recruitment, and had football Sundays over Zoom. They did a video game rush event which was a lot of fun and allowed all of them to be able to play together, but it also was a fun way for them to meet potential new brothers who wanted to rush ZBT. They also held a virtual philanthropy fundraiser.
University of Southern California
Alpha Delta has held virtual chapter and new brother education meetings via Zoom. They also had a toy drive for kids in hospitals, virtual poker nights, and golf outings.
University of Tampa
Delta Omicron has held virtual chapters and virtual fundraisers. New officers have been elected.
University of Texas at Austin
Lambda was able to have their B+ hero, Kaden, come to the house and hang out. Kaden was able to play basketball and eat dinner and hang out with some of the brothers. The chapter was also able to hold their elections
University of Wisconsin – Madison
Alpha Kappa has found new ways to have fun within their own Chapter without putting anyone at risk. They have held lots of brotherhood development activities like boat rentals, athletic competitions, and also had the opportunity to participate in philanthropy fundraisers with local restaurants and hold elections.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Delta Xi utilized virtual space to continue both executive board and chapter meetings. They recruited 11 new men to join their brotherhood with a mix of virtual events and 2 on 1 in-person meet-ups. This recruitment increased the Chapter’s size by 61%. They were able to run a successful virtual Get on the Ball! They advertised their event on Facebook and Instagram, while sending emails out to all of their parents and alumni. This was their first ‘real’ philanthropy week, and raised around $4,000 for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. They had options to sign the virtual ball, directly donate, and purchase a T-shirt with sponsors on it. This semester they initiated men in smaller groups using just the executive board to ensure compliance with 15-person capacity set forth by Virginia Tech. Delta Xi completed several community service events within the community by asking local Facebook groups what town residents needed help with. This included weeding, mowing lawns, general yard work, moving wood, and much more. Elections have been held.
Washington University – St. Louis
Alpha Xi brothers were able to enjoy a canoeing trip and just hanging out together.
Western Connecticut State University
Zeta Theta held virtual hangout sessions, gaming tourneys with Discord, bowling, etc. They also initiated three new brothers this past semester, including one who works for WXCI, the school’s student radio station. They participated in ‘Pass the Candle,’ which is an opportunity for brothers to say whatever is on their minds and speak truthfully from the heart in the comfort of their brothers.
University of Western Ontario
Zeta Eta organized several fundraisers online along with a couple of successful online Chapter activities. Due to the COVID laws in Canada, it was very difficult for them to meet up. In order to engage the brothers, they set up game nights to encourage brother participation. The most unique thing the Chapter did this semester was a socially distanced barbeque in September. They implemented mandatory mask use, sanitation, and temperature checks upon entrance.
York College of Pennsylvania
Beta Alpha Theta brothers participated in a Commuter appreciation car wash, Professional Leadership panel, Strengths Finder Workshop, Walk a Mile in Her Shoes, and an Alumni panel. They were also able to Collaborate with the Phi Mu Fraternity to do a social media fundraiser to benefit Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals (CMNH). The fundraiser worked by people donating money to see one of their Chapter brothers or one of the Phi Mu sisters do something silly on their Instagram story. It was fun to see brothers getting out of their comfort zone on social media for a good cause. Elections have been held for the Beta Alpha Theta Chapter.